
Help for Employees and Employers


Dyslexia Victoria Online provides assessments and accommodation plans for dyslexic employees experiencing literacy, numeracy and other dyslexia issues in the workplace.

We also offer workshops and information for employers and managers who wish to create a work friendly environment for employees who have different learning styles and literacy/numeracy challenges.


 • Dyslexia, literacy, numeracy and learning styles assessments for employees in the workplace or looking for job placement.

 • Dyslexia, literacy and numeracy teaching solutions and accommodations for employees.

 • Workshops and consultations for Dyslexia and Literacy Awareness and, Teaching Solutions and Accommodations.

 *We are located on Vancouver Island, British Columbia in Canada. We can travel on Vancouver Island or Vancouver to workplaces or Skype, Zoom or other video communications systems.

 Please contact Karey Hope for more information and to set up an appointment or workshop.

Call: (250)655-3034
FAX: (250)656-3038


The assessments and workshops are presented by dyslexic Karen Hope, a successful dyslexia consultant and speaker for over 20 years. Karen is mother to three very successful Dyslexic adult children. She searched for years to find solutions to her children’s learning challenges in school to help her children get through the system. The teaching methods and education specialists she found assisted her children to overco

me their problems and work effectively with their learning differences.


howard2-2-.jpgHowie Degraaf, her husband also works with her in their consulting work. Howie has been valuable with his input from his background going to the University of Victoria in the education department and Camosun college becoming a civil engineer tech. Both disciplines taught him about teaching and understanding math and sciences, helping him to comprehend and assist a dyslexic's learning challenges with arithmetic and maths. 




The session takes about one hours and determines whether the problems a dyslexia employee is experiencing are dyslexia, literacy/numeracy issues. At this point we can suggest whether a comprehensive assessment is recommended.

Included in this session we determine the "Learning Style" of the individual and whether an Irlen (44% of dyslexics suffer from Irlen Syndrome) screening would be helpful.


Assessments take about three to four hours. We assess for Dyslexia/Literacy/Numeracy indicators and what the areas of weaknesses and strengths are for the client. We determine the client's appropriate learning style, what work skills they are proficient at and those that need to be improved.

We also make suggestions for accommodations, adjustments and teaching solutions. The written report can be used to communicate the findings to a Human Resources department or an Occupational Therapist for accommodations and adjustments.

Our reports have been used by employers creating a better work environment for Dyslexics or employees with Literacy/Numeracy issues.


Our "Life Skills" coaching sessions have had great success and most often the client has a significant grasp of their learning difference after about six hours.

This is broken into 3 two to three hour sessions. Usually when an individual realizes the unique way they learn is valuable and just as appropriate as any other learning process, they tend to become much more confident in their abilities.

By using their own learning and thinking style they will be just as effective in their jobs as their co-workers. We also provide handouts and information about Dyslexia for the client.


We will recommend local free literacy and adult school programs able to help an employee improve their reading and numeracy skills.

We also can suggest ways to connect with local work training organizations to help facilitate their progress at work or plan for new employment.


This presentation introduces the attendees to the general theories of how the Right and Left hemispheres of the brain processes information and how this relates to Dyslexia.

We explain why we see Dyslexia as a gift and learning difference rather than a disability. We also explain many of the superior traits that the Dyslexic can bring to an employer.

The presentation includes a Question and Answer period at the end and the attendees receive a handout that reviews all the topics discussed. This is very helpful in describing Dyslexia in terms that are easily understood without medical jargon.

Appropriate for Dyslexic employees, facilitators of all types, service providers, HR representatives, supervisors, management and employers who want to understand what their employees are experiencing and how to communicate better with these incredibly valuable, talented and problem-solving employees.

We require pre-registration and at least four attendees. *All participants receive a Dyslexia Victoria Online training session certificate for attending the workshop for professional development.


The topics introduced in the two hour presentation are expanded on. The second workshop includes research on Dyslexia, recent findings in the UK and New Zealand where "Dyslexia Friendly Best Practices" have been proven successful time and again over the past 20 years.

During the workshop participants have many opportunities to experience examples of what cause confusion for the Dyslexic but in a way that affects the non-dyslexic as well.

The workshop covers specific skills and methods for spotting "Indicators" of Dyslexia as well as simple checklists are taught.

This workshop is also appropriate for the same group as the two hour presentation.

We also require pre-registration and at least four attendees.

*All participants receive a Dyslexia Victoria Online training session certificate for attending the workshop for professional development.


This is the industry standard dictation software that converts dictated speech into a Word document. The software needs to be purchased and installed on the client’s computer.

The first session is a two hour minimum to help the client train their voice to the Dragon program and then begin to become familiar with the program.

We can provide information on where to purchase Dragon Naturally speaking.


Another highly regarded software package that reads out loud documents that are on a computer in the Windows operating system. Again, the software must be purchased by the client but can be installed by us. This package also requires a two hour set up session. Total training usually takes from three to four hours.


Ginger software is the leading contextual spell and grammar checker on the market today. Based on a full sentence context, Ginger can automatically correct severe spelling and grammatical mistakes at an unmatched success rate. It enables users to produce error free texts, quickly and easily. Works with all Windows formats. Loading, set up and initial training takes about 90 minutes



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